The paternity test Tuesdays is a radio broadcast. This show is aired on 55 radio stations across several states in the United States on Tuesday’s. The show is hosted by the renowned stand-up comedian Rickey Smiley. Since its launch, this radio show has earned a strong fan-following. The listeners of this show have the privilege to apply for a free DNA test. The application submissions can be done on the website associated with the Rickey Smiley Morning Show. Applicants who apply should be adults legally and then apply with their reasons for applying.
The show has an exclusive laboratory by the name of Identigene that conducts the paternity test of the selected applicants. Incidentally, the test results are admissible by courts, since the lab makes the provision for sample collections before third parties. The results of the DNA tests are announced on the Paternity Test Tuesdays show for the listeners.